A collaboration between Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet
GlobeLife is a collaboration between Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet. The overall aim of GlobeLife is to strengthen collaboration through research and training in the field of global health both within and between Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet. Thereby, we will become more competitive and relevant partners in the global ambition and strive towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Click on "Menu" above to access our pages.
Would you like to organise a GlobeLife seminar?
If you have a suggestion for a seminar, contact GlobeLife@uadm.uu.se (for UU). See the instructions and what to think about in this document.
Are you interested in receiving news about GlobeLife to your email? Register to the GlobeLife mailing list here: GlobeLife@uadm.uu.se
Would you like to partner with us?
If you want to partner with GlobeLife as an organisation or a network, get in touch with us to discuss potential activities or roles on GlobeLife@uadm.uu.se (for UU).
About GlobeLife
Here you can find information about surveys, the Working group and the Steering Committee.
GlobeLife Seminars
Here you can find recordings and presentations from previous GlobeLife seminars.

Student Section
Here you can find information about the student representatives, photos and recordings of events etc